FFL Transfers
East Texas & Pineywoods
Psalm 18:32 Gun Works can assist you with the transfer of a firearm, both going to someone else or coming from an outside individual or dealer
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If you buy a firearm from a dealer or individual outside of your State of Residence, Federal law requires that you have that firearm shipped to a dealer in your state of residence who can legally transfer the firearm to you. We will perform all the necessary BATF mandated background checks, residency and proof of age checks.
We do the complete Firearm Transfer Service for $25.00.
Selecting a firearm transfer agent near you:
You must be a resident and citizen of the 50 states of the USA, and at least 21 years of age, to purchase a handgun. You cannot have a history of felony charges: indictment or conviction, recreational drug or controlled substance use including marijuana, a dishonorable military discharge, a restraining order for domestic violence, alien status: undocumented or non-immigrant visa, or any history of mental institution commitment. IF ANY of these situations exist, the transfer agent will refuse to give the gun to you, and it will be returned to us at your cost. Regardless of what state you live in, the gun will be registered in your name at the time of transfer by federal law. You will be required to fill out the Federal form 4473, and submit to a “NICS” background check. Some states require a waiting period after the time of passing the check prior to when you may take possession. You may NOT purchase the firearm on behalf of someone else (Straw Purchase). Be sure that you have the proper state license to own/purchase a firearm ahead of time that your state may require. Some of these take a long time to apply for and receive.
Purchasing a handgun for home use is not the same as getting a Concealed Carry Permit. If you do not currently have a CCP, you may NOT carry the handgun outside your home, except in your car en route to/from a practice range or gunsmith.
To find the FFL (licensed firearms dealer) nearest you in your state for firearms transfers, download the list here. It is in Excel format and can be downloaded to arrange best for your use: by zip code, city, or name. The list is from the US Bureau of ATF&E, and is typically one year old. It may contain some Dealers who are no longer in business or have moved, and may not contain newer licensees. This list will be updated annually as released by the ATF.
If you do not have Excel software, download the file in PDF (Adobe) here. It will not be able to be arranged to your convenience, but is listed by state.
Both lists contain the same data. They contain the addresses and phone numbers of licensed firearm dealers. Note that not all dealers are interested in being a third-party transfer agent, and may not agree to act in that capacity. This is normal. Please call them before you have anything shipped to them, to make sure it’s OK. They will then need to send a copy (by email) of their FFL certificate to us before we can send the firearm to them for transfer to you.
Typically the fee for transferring a firearm is around $25 payable to them. However, some agents feel that they lost a good sale on this (internet sale) transfer, and may charge you more than that to make up for their loss of profit. There is no standard fee. Be sure to deal your best deal with them, or move on to another FFL agent on the list convenient to you. There’s no reason you need to be taken over a barrel on this fee. It is likely that the agent’s establishment may also teach handgun lessons, stock ammo for sale, or have other amenities which would make you a good customer of theirs in the future. If that is the case, they should be willing to lower their fee.
If you have any difficulty downloading the files (they are large) to your computer (don’t use your cellphone), call us from noon to 9PM CT and we will help you out. (936-369-4361).

We offer FFL shipping service and will coordinate shipping to another licensed receiver, and can deliver the firearm to a proper transport service company. We do this for our normal $25 fee plus the cost of shipping, insurance, and handling.
To have a firearm transferred to you, for shipping firearms, or for more information on this service, please call us at 936-369-4361.
Liability Disclaimer: All firearms are shipped at your own risk, and should be insured accordingly. We are not liable for the loss or damage of your firearm not under our control. We inspect any shipment immediately on receipt and provide a response that your shipment has arrived and is in good condition.
Privacy Policy: Psalm 18:32 Gun Works preserves your personal information and privacy with strict confidentiality. Any information you provide will be used solely by us for the purpose of fulfillment of your order. We will never sell, rent, or provide your information to any other company or persons. We will not bother you with advertising or email not directly related to your business as our client.
Purchasing From Us:

Selecting a firearm transfer agent near you:
You must be a resident and citizen of the 50 states of the USA, and at least 21 years of age, to purchase a handgun. You cannot have a history of felony charges: indictment or conviction, recreational drug or controlled substance use including marijuana, a dishonorable military discharge, a restraining order for domestic violence, alien status: undocumented or non-immigrant visa, or any history of mental institution commitment. IF ANY of these situations exist, the transfer agent will refuse to give the gun to you, and it will be returned to us at your cost. Regardless of what state you live in, the gun will be registered in your name at the time of transfer by federal law. You will be required to fill out the Federal form 4473, and submit to a “NICS” background check. Some states require a waiting period after the time of passing the check prior to when you may take possession. You may NOT purchase the firearm on behalf of someone else (Straw Purchase). Be sure that you have the proper state license to own/purchase a firearm ahead of time that your state may require. Some of these take a long time to apply for and receive.
Purchasing a handgun for home use is not the same as getting a Concealed Carry Permit. If you do not currently have a CCP, you may NOT carry the handgun outside your home, except in your car en route to/from a practice range or gunsmith.
To find the FFL (licensed firearms dealer) nearest you in your state for firearms transfers, download the list here. It is in Excel format and can be downloaded to arrange best for your use: by zip code, city, or name. The list is from the US Bureau of ATF&E, and is typically one year old. It may contain some Dealers who are no longer in business or have moved, and may not contain newer licensees. This list will be updated annually as released by the ATF.
If you do not have Excel software, download the file in PDF (Adobe) here. It will not be able to be arranged to your convenience, but is listed by state.
Both lists contain the same data. They contain the addresses and phone numbers of licensed firearm dealers. Note that not all dealers are interested in being a third-party transfer agent, and may not agree to act in that capacity. This is normal. Please call them before you have anything shipped to them, to make sure it’s OK. They will then need to send a copy (by email) of their FFL certificate to us before we can send the firearm to them for transfer to you.
Typically the fee for transferring a firearm is around $25 payable to them. However, some agents feel that they lost a good sale on this (internet sale) transfer, and may charge you more than that to make up for their loss of profit. There is no standard fee. Be sure to deal your best deal with them, or move on to another FFL agent on the list convenient to you. There’s no reason you need to be taken over a barrel on this fee. It is likely that the agent’s establishment may also teach handgun lessons, stock ammo for sale, or have other amenities which would make you a good customer of theirs in the future. If that is the case, they should be willing to lower their fee.
If you have any difficulty downloading the files (they are large) to your computer (don’t use your cellphone), call us from noon to 9PM CT and we will help you out. (936-369-4361).
Pickup must be only by the purchaser who signed the required BATFE form 4473.

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