Psalm 18:32 Gun Works offers it’s local services to the East Texas PineyWoods, and customers across the United States are cheerfully serviced by mail.
We Build Custom Rifles
To Your Specifications
We Build Custom Rifles
To Your Specifications
We listen to your needs
We meet your expectations
Impeccable work by our Machinist
manufacturing on demand
We have a full machine shop
of precision tooling
Repair / Refinish Rifles and Handguns
Guns with defaced or missing serial numbers will not be accepted. We ask that the gun be submitted to us EMPTY and handguns accompanied by the proper child safety lock it came with. If none is provided, it will be returned to you with one, according to law.
Every handgun that comes into the shop for repair or adjustment is disassembled down to just parts, springs, and pins. We can determine the condition of the gun, extent of wear or misalignment, and what its problems may be. Included are head spacing, loading, feeding, chambering, firing, extraction and ejection. Replacement parts are OEM or best substitute if not available. No modifications are performed for armorer work. Privately owned handguns must meet common sense safety standards or no modification will be performed.
Although we do not maintain an inventory of handguns for sale, new or used, we can help you select and purchase the gun of your dreams for sporting, protection, or collection.
Custom installation of scope mounts is also offered with lapping in of the mounts to improve scope alignment.

Generally if the job is taking a while to complete, it’s because the parts are still on order. We always want to deliver your gun just in time for the big hunt, the top competition, or the graduation present. However, if you bring the rifle over the day before season opener, we may not be able to help!
“Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part.” (Even if we like you.)


Marcia Mason
Chief Executive Officer
Mechanical Engineer. Taught how to shoot handgun by a police sniper and rifle by an Olympic champion, she also reloads, hunts, and shoots skeet. Currently a handgun CLEAS armorer.
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